Ministry-Specific Fundraisers
AVLC recognizes that donations and offerings are necessary to accomplish the work and vision that our Lord often leads us to accomplish. Giving financially is a wonderful opportunity to participate in many worthwhile mission/ministry needs.
Therefore, individual ministry areas are permitted to organize and support groups of volunteers who work on specific ministry or charitable projects. From time to time, these groups raise funds to help cover expenses associated with specific projects or to raise funds for a missions appeal. Examples include the youth group raising funds for trips/projects, a missions group raising funds for an upcoming trip, and ministry group raising funds for a specific missions appeal.
AVLC permits these ministry-specific fundraiser opportunities under certain conditions:
- The Fund Raiser Request Form is submitted to the church office with ample time for the Elders to review for approval either at the monthly Elder meeting or via phone or email consensus. We desire to avoid scheduling conflicts and non-church sponsored fundraisers. Form must be submitted 10 days before fund raising begins.
- Proceeds from the fundraiser will be used strictly for the intended project.
- Approved fundraiser activities can set up and made available in the café but may not be set up in the Narthex/entryway or Sanctuary before, during or following worship services. Note: Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Elders depending on need. The café, alongside the patio doors beside the fireplace, is the preferred location for tables manned or unmanned.
- Fundraisers will be approved for a maximum of one month. If longer is needed, a separate Fund Raiser Request Form will be required.
- All AVLC ministry groups (missions, youth, trustees, preschool, etc.) will be given priority. Though there may be several projects on-going, no more than two may set up to receive donations on any given Sunday.
- There will be no aggressive or offensive You must make yourself available and let members/friends/visitors come to you by their choice.
Non-Church Sponsored Fundraisers
AVLC is frequently asked to endorse and permit opportunities to promote the sale of goods or services to its congregation with an agreement that a portion of the proceeds would go to the church or to an outside charity. AVLC may also be asked by groups not associated with the church to use its facilities for the purpose of conducting fundraisers, e.g. dinner for person/family in need, fundraiser concert for a charity or specific cause. These fundraisers will be approved only if a Cluster or an individual AVLC is involved and responsible and is consistent with the church’s theology, culture or mission.